Where we are and how to find us

Namaskar YOGA
3946 N. Southport Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60613

We are located on the west side of Southport Ave, a few doors south of Irving Park - directly across from the post office. You can't miss our two big purple YOGA signs : )


• Clark St #22: Descend at Irving Park. Walk west 1½ blocks. Turn left (south) on Southport to 3946.
• Ashland #9: Descend at Southport and Irving. Walk south a few doors.
• Irving Park #80: Descend at Southport. Walk south a few doors.


• Brown line: Descend at Southport. Walk north approx. 7 blocks to 3946 Southport.
• Red Line: Descend at Sheridan. Take the Irving Park bus #88 west to Southport. Turn left (south) on Southport to 3946. Or, if you prefer, walk north (few doors) to Irving Park. Turn left (west) and walk for approx. ¼ of a mile. Turn left onto Southport to 3946.

• I90/94: Exit at Irving Park Rd. Head east. Turn right (south) onto Southport to 3946.
• Lakeshore Drive: Exit at Irving Park. Head west. Turn left (south) onto Southport to 3946.